I'm Crystal, and here's my story-

I wasted countless hours of my life being my own self-help expert. I had to figure out my acne and my hormone type on my own, and it took me 30 years battling shame about my body.  

I spent many of my best years trying to be someone that wasn't an authentic expression of my feminine spirit. The patriarchal culture in this country and in church confused me. I believed the feminine was being a doormat to serve people and being tame.

I learned that being smart and pursuing success in a career was an easy way to feel valued in this world. Too much focus on work and long hours made me eat poor, sleep less, and ignore the healthiest things for my body and spirit, like cooking, eating slow, enjoying friends and family,  and being playful. 

As American women we are drowning in feeling something is wrong with us, we are not enough, or that we are too much. The hormones of our 20's and 30's makes us want to become whatever we feel is needed to fit into society and to be chosen as mates. We become both victims and empowered self-help experts in this era of access to knowledge. 

In this interplay of experiences of life and culture, we think we're fine... until we're not.  Our skin may break out. Our belly starts getting bloated. Anxiety and stress make our shoulders tight. Menstrual cycles become irregular or getting pregnant is not easy. Motherhood and midlife and career crisis' come out of nowhere and we feel lost and disconnected from our body and soul. 

Also, life's just plain overwhelming if you're always thinking about the future and not in the now.

The truth is... you are on a journey and it's meant to be midwifed.

Midwifing is coming alongside and caring for women through their lifetime. Not only do I want to support your experience of your journey and the ways you bring things into this life, but I'm a smart and intuitive clinician. I can process your body type, your nervous system state, and read your organ and vitamin weakness all in one visit.  I can explain all kinds of nuances and reasons for patterns in labors simply because I've been attending them as a keep observer for so long. Now that I see how much insight I can offer others, I realize there were wise women who could have helped me along my way too. 

I wished I'd had this help.

Here's examples in my life of why: 

  • Herbals could have reduced my hormonal acne
  • A wise woman could have explained and normalized my body to me, giving me confidence
  • Experiencing feminine embodiment could have made relationships with men less stressful and more successful in connection and authenticity

So, here I am, midlife, almost 20 years of clinical women's health and midwifery work, ignoring all the templates about how I should work, and showing up in a way with my clients that feels authentic.... and honestly, fun. 

I bring these parts of me to my work:

Depth and space holding.

Love of eras, archetypes, seasons, and perpetual change.

Nerdy understanding of how the body, hormones and plant medicines work.

Intuition and wisdom.

Courage and inspiration- I'm a Leo.

Fascination about all versions of spirituality. 

If you're tired of self-helping yourself and you'd value holistic help figuring out how to feel better in your body and spirit, then schedule a Discovery Call so I can hear where you are at in your health and life journey. I love helping women understand all the symptoms of their cycles and hormones, finding the supplements and life changes that bring harmony, and supporting your journey as a woman- embodied, authentic and moving through your life eras like you're unstoppable!

More about me

My Professional Path

 Since I was a little girl, I wanted to work in healthcare. Since I was smart, everyone, including myself, assumed that medical school would be my route. However, In college, I struggled with the feeling that medicine would consume me and I couldn't practice natural health treatments.   I ultimately went to Nurse Practitioner school,  traditional  Naturopathy school, and then later started down the Functional Medicine route of education! I chose the midwifery specialty in nursing school because of the sacred respect of women's natural process of birthing and the opportunity to focus on women's health. As I got deeper into seeing women's disembodiments, and experiencing my own, I realized transformation of our hormone issues was rooted here. In 2023 I enrolled in the School of Embodied Arts.

Wild Herb feels like an authethic version of me as a healer and healthcare professional. It will continue to evolve as I evolve too. 


  • School of Embodied Arts, Feminine Embodiment Coaching, 2024
  • Institute for Functional Medicine,  "Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice", 2020
  • Trinity School of Natural Health, Doctorate of Naturopathy, 2019
  • Emory University, Master of Nursing, Midwifery, 2007
  • Emory University, Bachelor of Nursing, 2006
  • Taylor University, Bachelor of Science, Biology, 2003


I live in...

Atlanta, GA. Actually, Decatur. I'm a transplant from the midwest- my family lives in Ohio- but I was born in California.

I love...

Travel! I love to be in other cultures! Aside from traveling for fun, I have lived in Africa three times- Uganda, Malawi, and South Sudan. I've trained midwives there with SEED global health and served with Doctors without Borders.

I also love gardening native plants and sitting and watching the pollinators. In winters, you can find me on pottery wheel, decorating the clay surface with wildflowers. 

Other work....

My midwife work defined most of my 20-30s. I was trained at Emory, was a founding midwife at Atlanta Birth Center, and have had a homebirth practice, Moonlight Midwifery. I provide some prenatal care to refugee women when they can't get in for care. Basically, if there are logistical barriers to things, I'm happy to show up and ignore rules and do what's needed.